Earthquakes, disaster in Syria and Turkey
On 6 February, two strong earthquakes shook South-East Turkey and North Syria. The most serious earthquake in Turkey measured 7.8 on the Richter scale and was caused by a shift of the tectonic plates at a depth of some 17 km below the Earth’s surface. Many smaller...
Hospital in Lemberg (Lvov), An operating microscope for Ukraine
Lemberg, present-day Lvov, is a town in West Ukraine, some 70 km from the Polish border. A town with an eventful past, because traces of its Austro-Hungarian and Polish history can be recognised in its architecture, which combines Central and East European, as well as...
Tübingen University Children’s Hospital, funding for an important clinical study
Every year across Europe, around 10,000 to 20,000 newborns suffer from a serious lack of oxygen during birth. Worldwide, the figure rises to as high as 1,000,000, compounded by fraught economic, and thus also medical conditions. An alarmingly high figure, not to...