“Wash on Monday”

Nursery rhymes in Germany and other European countries often reflect the fact that water is an abundant resource in our region. In Syria, where thousands of refugees live in makeshift camps and water is a scarce natural resource, daily chores like washing clothes or cloth diapers for babies can however become an insurmountable challenge. Therefore we decided to finance a truckload of disposable diapers and its transport to a refugee camp, and we supported another aid transport through “Wings of Help”.
Daimler CEO Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard sends off the fourth relief convoy to the Turkish-Syrian border (from left to right: Nihat Pehlivanoglu, driver Spedition Ekol, Sabine Fuchs, SOS Childrens’ Villages, Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard, CEO Daimler AG Trucks & Buses, Frank Franke, ‘Wings of Help’ Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen and Franz Longin, Margarete Müller-Bull Foundation).